Monday, April 5, 2010

Oprah may be getting it!

So glad to hear on Oprah today her saying that she is thinking differently about dieting and "jabbering about weight loss", moving instead to recommending Geneen Roth's recent publication Women Food and God. Yeah for her! It would be such a relief if she could stop her focus on weight loss and begin to focus on emotional, mental, spiritual and interpersonal peace inside out while she is intuitively eating. She has such a powerful voice and incredible influence, so I am thrilled that she is speaking about and embracing non-diet, non-weight focus and inside-out healing.

She has an interview with Geneen in the April addition of O magazine and will do an interview with her on her May 12th show.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New office now open

New Office Address

610 W. Peace St.
Raleigh, NC 27605
(919) 518-6500

Monday, January 18, 2010

Passed the Boards!

I am happy to report that I passed my board exams and am patiently awaiting word from NC Social Work Licensing Board on issuance of my NC License. It should be a couple of weeks and then I'll be ready to start.